Monday, February 22, 2016

Vinyl Star Wall In Playroom

Doesn't this just look dreamy? I purchased a set of vinyl stars off of Groupon a while back. It was a great deal and come with 120 star stickers. I could actually pick out the color of stars I wanted too. I knew I wanted gray and white with pops of red in my girl's playroom so I choose the silver stars. I was nervous about applying them to the wall. (that's why I've had them for so long and JUST now got to putting them up!) But it was super easy. I first had to figure out the spacing. I just measured my wall and guessed that I wanted about 9 inches in between each star. I divided my wall size by 9 and came up with my measurements. I ended up doing 9 rows and 12 columns with 9 inches in between each star. I used a tape measure and measured each star placement and added a small dot with a pencil. Then the fun part...adding the stickers to where I put those dots. It was fun and my girls loved helping! It was a super easy but a little time consuming to measure all the star placements. Overall, I would do it again to another room. I love the look it gives the playroom!

Source List:
Vinyl Stars - through Groupon
Teepee - The Land of Nod
Pillows - Target
Rug - TJ Maxx
Desk - Vintage

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